
发布时间:2019-01-15 字体大小 T |T





Email: limh@lzu.edu.cn
















[1] 国家重点研发计划子课题, 2021YFD1300905, 肉毛兼用绵羊新品种培育, 2021-12 至 2024-11,380万元, 主持

[2] 甘肃省重点研发计划, 20YF8NA069, 适宜我省高寒山区舍饲养殖的“低脂型”湖羊新品系高效繁殖技术研发及示范, 2021-01 至 2023-01, 20万元,主持

[3] 甘肃省重大专项课题, 20ZD7NA004, 繁育体系建设和核心群快繁, 2021-01 至 2022-12, 62万元, 主持

[4] 国家畜禽良种联合攻关计划,(21)0396,湖羊性能测定、全基因组重测序及遗传评估,2021-06至2021-12,62万元,主持

[5] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目31702112,基于转录组学和脂质组学研究α-亚麻酸影响绵羊睾丸间质细胞睾酮合成的机制,2018-01至2020-12,25万元,主持.

[6] 中央高校基本科研业务费, lzujbky-2019-39, 葡萄渣提取物对公羊性腺发育的影响及其机制研究, 2019-01 至 2020-12, 15万元, 主持

[7] 甘肃省青年科技基金项目,1606RJYA245,日粮添加亚麻籽油对湖羊后备种公羊睾丸发育的影响及其机制的研究, 2016-09至2018-08,2万元,主持

[8] 甘肃省农业生物技术研究与应用开发项目,GNSW-2016-2,基于转录组学和SNP检测技术的公羊睾丸发育相关遗传标记研究,2016-09至-2019-09,8万元,主持.

[9] 甘肃省三区人才科技专项计划选派人员,2017-01-2022-12;12万元,主持

[10] 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金,lzujbky-2015-248,不同繁殖力湖羊睾丸组织繁殖相关基因表达分析,2015-07至2016-12,5万元,主持



1. SCI论文:

[1] Liu, Jiamei; Yao, Ting; Weng, Xiuxiu; Yao, rongyu; Xie, Lixia; Li, Wanhong*; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fadi. Antioxidant properties and transcriptome of cauda epididymis with different levels of fertility in hu lambs. Theriogenology. 2022, 182:85-95.

[2] Yao, Rongyu; Lu Tingting; Liu Jiamie; Li, Wanhong* Weng,Xiuxiu; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fadi. Variants of ADPGK gene and its effect on the male reproductive organ parameters and sperm count in Hu sheep[J]. Animal Biotechnology, 2021: 1-8.

[3] Li, Wanhong; Yao, Rongyu; Xie, Lixia; Liu, Jiamei; Weng, Xiuxiu; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fadi; Dietary supplementation of grape seed tannin extract stimulated testis development, changed fat ty acid profiles and increased testis antioxidant capacity in pre-puberty hu lambs, Theriogenolog y, 2021, 172: 160-168

[4] Li, Wanhong; Yao, Yongyu; Weng, Xiuiu; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fadi ; α-Linolenic acid induc ed TM4 Sertoli cells proliferation and enhanced total antioxidant capacity, Animal Biotechnology,2021

[5] Li, Wanhong; Weng, Xiuxiu; Yuan, Lvfeng; Li, Fei; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fadi ; Effect of feeding linseed diet on testis development, antioxidant capacity, and epididymal cauda sperm concentration in Chinese Hu lamb, Theriogenology, 2021, 159: 69-76

[6] Li, Wanhong; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fadi. Gallic acid caused cultured mice TM4 Sertoli cells apoptosis and necrosis, Asian-Australas J Anim Sci. 2019, 32(5):629-636

[7] Li, Wanhong; Li, Chunjin; Chen, Shuxiong; Sun, Lina; Li, Hongjiao; Lu, Chen; Zhou, Xu. Effect of inhibin A on proliferation of porcine granulosa cells in vitro. Theriogenology. 2018, 114:136-142.

[8] Li, Wanhong; Tang, Defu; Li, Fadi; Tian, Huaqin; Yue, Xiangpeng; Li, Fei; Weng, Xiuxiu; Sun, Wu; Wang, Weimin; Mo, Futao ; Supplementation with dietary linseed oil during peri-puberty stimulates steroidogenesis and testis development in rams, Theriogenology, 2017, 102: 10-15.

 [9] Li, Wanhong; Chen, Shuxiong; Li, Hongjiao; Liu, Zhuo; Zhao, Yun; Chen, Lu; Zhou, Xu; Li, Chunjin. A new insertion/deletion fragment polymorphism of INHA gene associated with follicular cysts in large white sows. The Journal of Veterinary Medical Science.2016, 78:473-476.

[10] Li, Wanhong; Sun, Lina; Chen, Shuxiong;Chen Lu, Liu, Zhuo; Xiaofeng Hou, Chen, Chao; Han, Yamei; Wang, Chunqiang; Li, Chunjin; Zhou, Xu. Association of inhibin-a gene polymorphisms with follicular cysts in large white sows. Theriogenology,2015, 6: 839-845.

[11] Li, Wanhong; Chen, Lu; Chen, Shuxiong; Li, Hongjiao; Liu, Zhuo; Sun, Lina; Zhao, Yun; Zheng, Lianwen; Li, Chunjin; Zhou, Xu. Polymorphisms in inhibin a gene promoter associated with male infertility. Gene, 2014, 559: 172-176.

2. 国家发明专利:

[1] 李万宏; 翁秀秀; 乐祥鹏; 张俊霞; 王维民; 李发弟 ; TrkA基因作为绵羊产羔数性状的分子标记及其应用, 2019-10-15, 中国, ZL201610584445.8.

[2] 李万宏; 翁秀秀; 乐祥鹏; 张俊霞; 王维民; 李发弟 ; NGF基因作为绵羊产羔性状的分子标记及其应用, 2019-09-03, 中国, ZL201610581646.2.


[1] 李万宏(6/7); 特色肉羊品种引进和利用技术研究, 甘肃省科技进步三等奖,2017年.

[2] 李万宏(4/10); 肉用美利奴新类群选育及其产业化开发, 甘肃省科技进步二等奖, 2020年.


